的 阿斯彭研究所 Names 南新月技术学院 as a Top 150 U.S. 有资格获得2025年阿斯彭奖的社区大学


今天, the 阿斯彭研究所 named 南新月技术学院 as one of the 150 institutions eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement 和 performance among two-year colleges. 的 institutions selected for this honor st和 out among more than 1,000 community colleges nationwide as having high 和 改善 levels of student success as well as equitable outcomes for Black 和 Hispanic students 和 those from lower-income backgrounds.

“It is such an honor to be named as one of the 150 colleges nationwide eligible to compete for the Aspen Prize as it recognizes our College’s gains in diversity, 股本, 学生成绩和毕业率.  It further validates the hard work of our faculty 和 staff who work diligently to prepare our students to enter the workforce in high-paying, 高需求职业领域,南新月技术学院院长杨志强博士说. 欧文•克拉克.  “We have made the commitment to support the workforce development needs of our community 和 be intentional about data driven decisions.  Our college wide-commitment to overall student success remains a top priority as we strive to build strong students, 强烈的职业, 在我们所做的一切中建立强大的社区.”

的 Aspen Prize spotlights exemplary community colleges in order to drive attention to colleges achieving post-graduate success for all students, 和 is a central way Aspen researches highly effective student success strategies that are shared with the field. 的 150 eligible colleges have been invited to submit student success data 和 narratives about strategies to achieve better 和 more equitable student outcomes as the next step in an intensive review process that culminates in the naming of the Aspen Prize winner in spring 2025. 的 eligible colleges represent the diversity 和 depth of the community college sector. 位于市区, 农村, 以及30个州的郊区, 这些学院招收的学生少则169人,多则49人,619.

“的 Aspen Prize is rooted first 和 foremost in an assessment of whether colleges are walking the walk,乔希·怀纳说, executive director of the 阿斯彭研究所 College Excellence Program. “社区大学面临招生变化, 招收与大流行有关的学习损失的学生, 和研究生进入快速变化的劳动力市场, 人们很容易忘记什么是最重要的.  的 best community colleges are continuing to focus on advancing the core mission: making sure as many students as possible graduate with credentials that lead to fulfilling careers 和 reflect the development of diverse talent that communities, 州, 我们的国家需要.”

While community colleges are an essential contributor to our nation’s success, 不同院校的学生成绩差异很大.  Aspen measures those variances using multiple data sources 和 honors colleges with outst和ing achievement in six critical areas: teaching 和 learning, 证书和学位完成, 转学及本科学历, 员工的成功, 公平进入大学, 和 equitable outcomes for students of color 和 students from low-income backgrounds.

“的se 150 colleges have achieved high 和 改善 levels of student success for all students, 包括那些经常被我们的制度所失败的人,怀纳说. “We’re excited to learn over the coming months how they achieved that success so we can share the most impressive practices with others in the field.”

In this first round, eligibility for the Aspen Prize is based on publicly available data. 大学必须表现出强大的实力, 改善, 和 equitable student outcomes in first-to-second year retention, 证书颁发, 完成率和转移率. 在全国范围内, about 15 percent of community colleges have been invited to apply (150 of just under 1,000所公立两年制学院评估获奖资格). 完整的列表可以在 奖的主页.


  • 2024年4月:宣布25名半决赛选手, selected based on assessments of extensive data 和 strategy documents by the Prize selection panel, 一个由16名社区大学专家组成的小组, 高等教育, 劳动力培训, 以及对机构领导团队的采访
  • June 2024: Announcement of 10 finalists, selected by the Prize selection panel
  • 2024年秋季:对10个决赛入围者进行实地考察, during which the 阿斯彭研究所 和 partners will collect additional information, including employment 和 earnings data 和 insights about promising practices
  • 2025年1月:由杰出人士决定奖项, 独立评审团在全天会议上
  • Spring 2025:  Announcement of the Aspen Prize winner 和 celebration of the 10 finalists in Washington DC

For a full list of the top 150 eligible institutions 和 to read more on the selection process, 访问

阿斯彭学院大学卓越计划 supports colleges 和 universities in their quest to achieve a higher st和ard of excellence, delivering credentials that unlock life-changing careers 和 strengthen our economy, 社会, 和民主. 我们知道,需要有远见的大学领导者来领导规模, 可持续的改革,  我们的使命就是让他们掌握这些知识, 技能, 以及研究支持的工具来激发变革, 转变实践, 和 advance the capacity of colleges to deliver excellent 和 equitable student outcomes. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 我们的网站 跟着我们走 LinkedIn 和 推特.

阿斯彭研究所 is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build underst和ing 和 create new possibilities for a better world. 成立于1949年, 研究所通过对话推动变革, 领导, 以及帮助解决社会最大挑战的行动. 总部设在华盛顿, 在阿斯彭有一个校区, 科罗拉多州, 以及一个国际合作伙伴网络. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.aspeninstitute.org.